Hvs16-240-1T - Toshiba Surveillix Hvs16-240-1T 16-Channel Digital Video Recorder - Digital Video
Recorder - Motion Jpeg Formats - 1Tb Hard Drive.
the Toshiba Surveillix Hvs16-240-1t Dvr Set The Standard
For User Friendly, High Definition Digital Recorder. With Available
Internal Raid 5 Capabilities And Field Replaceable Hard Disk Drives, The
Hvs16-240-1t is Designed For Maximum Reliability. The Hvs16-240-1t
Comes Pre-configured to Allow Hdd Storage Expansion in The Field Without
it Needing to be Returned to Toshiba For Upgrading. Capable of
Recording at Speeds of up to 240 Pictures Per Second, The Hvs Offers
Unmatched Versatility.